Friday, November 22, 2013

Small Talk

There is nothing I hate more than SMALL TALK.  My anxiety levels are at their highest when I first meet someone and I am forced to politely banter back and forth. I do that really awful nervous laugh and can't quit wiggling. Sometimes, I panic and get overly friendly and hug people. Yes, hug.  This happened recently.  I had to confirm with Casey as we walked away.  It was as if I had a very friendly blackout. I also analyze everything I say.  Was that dumb?  Did they get my joke?  Did that come off as rude/mean/snobby/stupid/uneducated?  The list goes on and on!

Anyway, my favorite kind of conversation is deep, meaningful, and always had with friends and family (especially with Casey).  This kind of conversation is hard to come by.  It can't be planned, it can't be forced, but when it happens - it's AWESOME.  We discuss EVERYTHING - from what the meaning of life is, to what our purpose is as a couple, to our spiritual gifts.  No topic is off limits.

We talk about our hopes, dreams, and desires; and don't give beauty queen answers - have a fulfilling job, buy the perfect starter home, start a family, world peace for all mankind and no pollution for the planet and all that stuff.  You can really dig DEEP.  We talk about our fears and disappointments.  What worries keep us up at night.  What shortcomings and faults we want to change. In the end, you feel as if your soul is cleansed.

So what about you?  Have you had a deep discussion lately?  What have you discovered?  What are your dreams/disappointments/fears/spiritual gifts/purposes/impossible moments that you are going to make possible?

I'd love to know!

- TW

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